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Lessons Learned This Summer

cheryl goldstein

I think we can all agree that this has been no ordinary summer. It has been a summer of change, challenge and growth. But let’s not dwell on the negative, let’s focus on what lessons we learned.

1. Love is strong.

Your families, alumni and communities believed in you and trusted your decisions. Although there was some disappointment, they understood that you had their children’s best interests in mind. They stuck by your side and continued to show you love in so many ways. Their financial support was bonus.

2. Virtual Camp is Here to Stay.

Many of you had success with your virtual camp. It was a way to stay connected to campers and a great benefit for parents. Kids loved it so much that you should continue virtual camp year round. Scale back your efforts, but stay in touch with campers. This is a great grassroots marketing tool for you to integrate into your future plans.

3. You have renewed your sense of purpose.

Sometimes we need to stretch our limits to rediscover who we are. Why are you so passionate about the camp industry? Why are you trying so hard to keep that camp spirit alive? You had the chance to reevaluate what is important to you and how to accomplish your goals. This will only make you a better camp professional and a stronger individual.

4. You aren’t afraid of the unknown.

This summer most likely pushed you out of your comfort zone. Now that you know you can achieve the impossible, it’s not so scary. Moving forward, focus on the things you can control. Continue working towards summer 2021, however realize you may have to make adjustments as the year progresses.

As you begin to plan for summer 2021, remember everything you accomplished this season. It was a doozy! But there were so many gains you made along the way. Use those lessons to help you succeed and to reach your goals.

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