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Should Camps Participate in Black Friday or Cyber Monday?

cheryl goldstein

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are synonymous with some of the biggest sales of the year raking in billions of dollars for businesses across the country. As a camp, it can be tempting to want to participate by offering registration incentives. But is it worth the extra time and investment?

Although it may seem like a good idea, it may do more harm than good. Here are some things your camp should consider before committing to this craze.

  1. Black Friday and Cyber Monday are packed with bargains. This traditional, sales event does create a lot of demand, but at the same time, the supply is also high. Getting your message out there and cutting through the clutter will be difficult and costly.

  2. Although some consumers can’t wait to shop as soon as they finish their turkey dinner, others frown down upon Black Friday. There has been a lot of controversy about how this event promotes greed rather than gratitude. This is not a value most camps would stand by, and if you participate your name could possibly be tainted.

  3. You may have already offered a discount for early enrollment. If you offer another discount so soon you could jeopardize the integrity of the original promotion.

If you want to spread brand awareness during the holiday season there are many other opportunities. Host an all-camp winter party, send a holiday gift to current and past campers, or mail a personalized card signed by your staff. These thoughtful strategies are more special than slashed prices and impersonal campaigns that are customary during Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

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